Are you often faced with challenges that require simultaneous commitment to business and family life? Combining motherhood and business can seem difficult, but it doesn’t have to be.

My coaching is designed for just such situations. I’ll help you find the balance so you can successfully grow your business while enjoying precious moments with your family. My support and guidance will help you achieve your business goals without sacrificing family harmony.

Individual coaching

I will help you discover and fully harness your unique abilities, allowing you to excel in business and family life. Together, we'll unlock your potential, so you can confidently run your business while being a strong and supportive mother.

Group coaching

The 12-week Entrepreneurial Moms Group Coaching programme will give you the practical tools and systems you need to achieve more time, money and freedom, and ensure sustainable growth. The next group will start in January 2025.
Annika always creates such a positive and supportive atmosphere, where it's totally okay to talk about anything! She listens, tries to deeply understand... and then gives you a nice treat in the form of some totally naked "truth bombs" that you didn't want to look at! And then helps you to think about how you can do it, when you feel that somehow you can't do it any more... I was left with a pleasantly optimistic feeling after my session with Annika! And at the same time, these truth bombs also sting to a certain extent, so that there would still be the motivation to actually implement change! Thank you for your honesty and frankness and mega good expertise!
I would definitely recommend Annika's coaching to other entrepreneurial mothers. Annika is a super- mom and a very experienced entrepreneur. I looked forward to every meeting we had, even if I didn't have a huge concern to complain about or a problem that needed solving. After a conversation with Annika, I was always in a good mood to take action and things progressed at a different pace.
Marit Saviir
Entrepreneur, engineering designer
I would also recommend Annika's coaching to others who feel they have a lot of ideas and thoughts but don't know where to start.

Annika can help you to stay focused and identify what would be more profitable to do and how to create better systems for your business.
My biggest goal is to grow my brand. It requires a lot of discipline and time planning around the baby, but I found a wonderful mompreneur coach Annika who I did a consultation with and she inspired me to put on my big girl pants. After that, I've totally pulled myself together and am ready for the mountains. So grateful to her!
I'm so glad I happened to listen to Cara's podcast where you were a guest. I had no idea there was an entrepreneurial coach focused specifically on mothers with young children. I booked an appointment immediately and from that alone I got a lot of motivation and drive to keep going. Thank you for believing in us who are trying to make our other dreams come true alongside our children!!!!

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